Take a Hike! (#53)
On a recent summer hike with my sons, I had plenty of time to think as we trekked to the peak. Remarkably, I discovered that hiking parallels a leader’s journey.
“I walk firmer and more secure on the uphill than down.”
This Week’s Edition
A successful hike mirrors a leader’s journey to fulfill their vision. To be a successful leader make note of these lessons and simple reminders.
Clarify Your Thinking
As we climbed our way to the 12,000-foot peak in Colorado, I had plenty of time to think. Here is what I found with each twist and turn of the path.
BELIEVE – The view from the bottom will cause doubt about your ability to summit the peak. Don’t look up. Just take a step forward. Then another. Then another. Don’t believe everything you think.
PLAN – Stick to the plan. Have a map. A perceived short cut may not be the shortest route. Unless there is a good reason, follow the worn path. It’s there for a reason. Resist the urge for unconventional. The mere activity of hiking is unconventional.
SLOW – Take it slow. Play the long game. If you run under the influence of the immense energy that comes with the start of a new adventure, you may end up quitting or huffing and puffing only a few hundred yards from the base.
EQUIPMENT – The right gear matters. It’s not just a nice to have item. Approaching the hike casually by donning tennis shoes, can quickly turn dangerous as the incline grows steeper and the rocks looser. Wear the right shoes for the expected terrain.
FOCUS – Pay close attention to each step. One errant move and you can roll your ankle putting the entire journey at risk.
TECHNIQUE – Technique matters. The “rest step” is a technique used by hikers to slow their cadence, rest their muscles, and conserve their energy while trekking on steep terrain at high altitudes. It takes pressure and strain off your muscles and transfers it to your bone structure. Who knew?
INFORMATION – Chat with others along the way. They have information that might be valuable both on the way up and the way down. Be curious. Be kind. Be engaged.
CELEBRATE – Regardless of whether you reach the peak, celebrate success at the farthest point you were able to reach. Redefine success. Celebrate what you were able to do.
Thoughts Lead to Actions
Thought lead to actions. Actions lead to results. This is my coaching mantra. Yet, a few years ago a savvy client offered the following, “Robin, don’t you have to believe first? Doesn’t your thinking flow from what you believe?”
After pondering her comment, I arrived at my answers, “Yes!” I exclaimed. Based on this wisdom here are the actions you can take as a result of the observations I had on my summer hike.
1. Write down what you believe about your leadership, your potential, and the vision of your organization. Ask yourself if you truly believe these things.
2. Plan. Don’t rinse and repeat without thinking. Stop winging it. Reflect. Correct. Perfect. Then, make a plan.
3. Choose the right gear. Assess your strengths and keep them strong. Tailor your leadership uniform and wear it smartly.
4. Start. Begin slowly. Stay focused. Gather information along the way. Adjust the plan if necessary.
5. Pick the right strategies (i.e., the Rest Step). Discover what you don’t know. Identify the strategic techniques that will differentiate your journey.
Take the time in the coming days to invest in these five steps. Better prepare yourself for the uphill climb that is the rest of this year. Remember to celebrate success!
Boost Your Performance
This may be the most important five months of your leadership career. Don’t lace up just any ‘ole tennis shoes and attempt to race up the incline. Be smart about your journey. Take the time to prepare so you can perform your best when it matters most.
What’s Your Opinion?
Are you questioning your next strategic move for your business? Consider joining one of our leadership cohorts starting in September. Reach out to learn more about how to fulfill your greatest professional vision: cohort@robinpou.com.
Don’t let doubt count you out. Have a confident week!
Robin Pou, Chief Advisor and Strategist
If this was helpful, feel free to share it with another leader who needs to defeat doubt and complete their confidence.
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What is “The Confident Leader”?
During the Covid-19 Pandemic, I began a video series called “Panic or Plan?” It was designed to equip leaders to navigate the doubt they experienced and to rise in the confidence they needed to lead during turbulent times. It took off. I then started this newsletter to equip leaders in the same fashion each week for the doubt that crashes across the bow of their leaderSHIP.
welcome to the club! I see you.
- Step out of Doubt
- Complete your Confidence
- Tackle any leadership challenge