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Rest. Realign. Restart. Reclaim. Reignite (#1)

The Confident Leader

My youngest son started playing football. As I drove him to his first practice, he let me know that he was nervous. Starting something new is challenging, but the excitement of what’s possible usually offsets the uneasiness.

What may be even more difficult is “restarting” something. Think about it. Your original effort was stopped for whatever reason. The loss of momentum was palpable. Now, you have to gear up just to do it all over again. Plus, the memory of the challenge last go around is still fresh. All of this creates some measure of Doubt. Can I do this? Will it matter? Should I even try?

Many pandemic leaders, like you, are facing a “restart” situation right now. With your beginning of the year goals dashed, you get to decide, “Am I going to restart or retire?” It’s a tough decision made harder by the fact that success is questionable amid the uncertainty present in Phase II of the pandemic.

Rest. Realign. Restart. Reclaim. Reignite

— Hallmark Card in Walgreens

This Week’s Edition

WELCOME to the first edition of The Confident Leader, a weekly newsletter filled with content designed to boost your leadership in uncertain times.

In March, during the Covid-19 Pandemic, I began a video series called “Panic or Plan?” My goal: to be a first responder for leaders during turbulent times. Many said they were served by the message in the daily posts. As a result, I am starting something new. Join me on this journey to create a community of leaders who strive to make a significant impact in the world.

Clarify Your Thinking

Thoughts of dread filled Mike’s head as he contemplated gearing up to lead his 800-person organization through Phase II of the pandemic. Phase I was bad enough. Layoffs. Positive Covid cases on the plant floor. Looting of the building where his corporate office was located. “I think I am going to resign.” Mike said. “But, you can’t.” I said. “You own the business.”

Times are tough and there is no end in sight. Restarting your leadership for Phase II can cause any leader to think they are not up to the task. First, decide if you are in or out. Make a powerful decision one way or another. For Mike, he decided he was “in.” He reasoned, “No football team would quit at half-time just because they were down 21 to 3. Why would I?”

Thoughts of dread will lead to leadership misery over time. Refocus your thinking. Train your thinking to what you want to happen, your desired outcome. Mike’s reframed thinking: “I’m going to rekindle the entrepreneurial spirit that launched me back in the day. Through 2020, I am going to be an explorer. I am going to find information that will give me insight to new things. This will allow me to reimagine my business for the new normal.”

post pandemic vision

Thoughts Lead to Actions

The best time to start a business is during a recession. The old adage is popular because many successful businesses started during challenging economic times. Microsoft. Airbnb. Uber. Re-starting a business maybe the same. It takes leadership confidence to venture into unknown territory. In your early leadership days, you had little to lose, so you just played to win:

1. You called prospects with abandon

2. You heard “no” and moved on to the next

3. You sought out strategic partners well beyond your reach

4. You asked for feedback and implemented it

All of those activities are still available. Download the Leader’s Worksheet to create your own ideas for your next strategic move.

Boost Your Performance

Restart your leadership for Phase II. Your team needs you. Your business needs you. Your clients need you. You need to prove you can, and believe me… you can!

What’s Your Opinion?

Leaders learn a lot from one another. Join the conversation and contribute to our community. Email me your best “nugget” for restarting your leadership as you enter Phase II.

Don’t let Doubt count you out. Do your leadership part and commit to a hearty restart. Have a confident week!

robin pou, chief advisor and strategist

Robin Pou, Chief Advisor and Strategist

If this was helpful, feel free to share it with another leader who needs to defeat doubt and complete their confidence.

Let’s Connect

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What is “The Confident Leader”?

During the Covid-19 Pandemic, I began a video series called “Panic or Plan?” It was designed to equip leaders to navigate the doubt they experienced and to rise in the confidence they needed to lead during turbulent times. It took off. I then started this newsletter to equip leaders in the same fashion each week for the doubt that crashes across the bow of their leaderSHIP.

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